


Teacher & Volunteers


SINCE 2016



Ban Nai Soi Village




Ban Nai Soi Community Learning Centre (BNSCLC)

BENEFICIARY: 41 Students, Teachers & Volunteers

LOCATION: Ban Nai Soi Village, Mae Hong Son, Thailand

PARTNER: Ban Nai Soi Community Learning Centre (BNSCLC)


BUDGET: €16.160

  • Summary

    Founded in the spring of 2005, Ban Nai Soi Community Learning Centre (BNSCLC) provides secondary education, practical vocational skills, and community development skills to secondary school-aged Burmese refugees, ethnic minorities and the rural poor living in the Mae Hong Son Province area of Thailand.

    The purpose of this project is to provide for the basic needs of the students in the most need. Without a provision of food and medicine, many of the poorest students would not be able to attend the learning centre and would be at increased risk for falling victim to exploitative labour.

    The learning centre provides an avenue of greater opportunities and better chances in life for these disadvantaged youths.

  • Background

    The students at BNSCLC are part of a large population living outside of the refugee camps. Not being in the camps leaves the children without any access to secondary education as they don’t have the appropriate documentation that would give them access to government schools. This lack of educational opportunity leaves them with limited options.

    BNSCLC provides quality education, meals, and dormitories for migrant and refugee children on the Thai-Myanmar border. This support comes to children and teenagers who would otherwise be required to find menial labour and find themselves at greater risk of exploitation.

    BNSCLC has coordinated with the Mae Hong Son Provincial Informal Education Department to provide high school accredited education to these children and give them the opportunity to break away from poverty.

    The public funding available to operate these informal schools is understandably low, almost non-existent. As such the centre has not had sufficient funds to buy enough food or medicine for the students. To cover the shortfall the staff that run the school have been using their own minimal salaries to fund this.

    BNSCLC success, sustained efforts and innovative solutions were acknowledged and rewarded by UNESCO in 2018 when they won the Wenhui Award for Innovations in School, Family and Community Collobration for Quality Education.

  • Goals and Results

    The goal of this project is to provide for the basic needs for the students at BNSCLC. Without this support, many would not be able to attend school and get an education.

  • Sponsors

    ATJ | 2024 | $17.625

    ATJ | 2023 | $17.492

    Edwin Wierda | 2021 | €12,969

    Edwin Wierda | 2020 | €15.000

    Edwin Wierda | €25.000 | Dec 2019

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