Community Development

By mark 29 Aug, 2024
The project addresses the insufficient salaries of BNSCLC teachers by providing supplementary funds to support their financial well-being and recognise their year-round dedication.
By Phong Changyue 13 Jun, 2024
The goal of this project is to provide our long-time partner, KAKO, with the support and financial stability they need to help thousands of impoverished Cambodians.
By Phong Changyue 13 Jun, 2024
The project aims to build the capacity of Karen teachers, equipping them to share skills in child protection and education and to strengthen schools into sustainable local institutions. It focuses on enhancing infrastructure, resources, and policies to improve education quality and protect children, ultimately enhancing the lives of children and community members in targeted communities.
By Phong Changyue 13 Jun, 2024
KAKO established 18 libraries in some of the poorest villages. Launched in 2002, these libraries support new readers, students, and adults in maintaining and improving their literacy skills.
By Phong Changyue 13 Jun, 2024
The project rebuilt and repaired schools and teachers’ dormitories, including those damaged by a storm in May 2020, ensuring the safety and well-being of students and teachers and supporting the continuation of education.
By Phong Changyue 13 Jun, 2024
Ta Graeh district offers a stable environment for education, but the school’s existing building had safety issues, including a leaking roof and decaying floor. It was decided to construct a new building using repurposed materials, providing a safer and more sustainable solution for students.
By Phong Changyue 13 Jun, 2024
We provide financial assistance and training for volunteer teachers, ensuring schools stay open for the full year. The programme equips teachers with skills to better support students, promoting health, inclusion, fitness, and life skills to enhance their learning and outlook on life.
By Phong Changyue 13 Jun, 2024
The project fully supports three university students from underserved ethnic groups in Tak province, with two studying Geo-Cultural Management and one pursuing Education for Community Development.
By Phong Changyue 13 Jun, 2024
The COVID-19 pandemic forced schools in Thailand to move online, leaving many families unable to afford devices or internet for their children’s education. In Ban Pha Lai, we offered community-run educational assistance.
By Phong Changyue 13 Jun, 2024
After graduating from the BHHLN Community School, some students faced financial and travel challenges in continuing their education. This project provided funding to enable underserved students to pursue further studies.
By Phong Changyue 13 Jun, 2024
The community established its own local school due to the distance to the nearest educational facility. This project supports the school’s operating costs to ensure quality education for the children.

Community Development

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